Saturday, November 21, 2009

Audio Elite - Product Spotlight: The URC PSX-2, iPod Personal Media Server.

Audio Elite is excited to offer this, our first, "Video Demonstration" on what we find to be a very powerful, neat, and fun addition to your Home Theater, Whole House Audio System, Living Room.......and/or just about anywhere you see fit.

It is the new PSX-2 by Universal Remote Control.

We have tried and tested this product, as we do with all our selected components prior to adopting and deploying them for client use. We are extremely pleased with this product, and find that it plays well with others, it has quick startup times, an is basically glitch free, and most of all the user interface is one of the coolest, and most impressive, that we have seen. It is simple to navigate, all while offering the important playback information, along with......album "Cover Art."

IPod is wildly popular and often a primary source of music within the home or on the go, and we have found that family's often have several of them........with that being said.....Audio Elite has a means to fully unleash your iPod's potential.

We are anticipating that this new iPod Interface is going to be a popular add-on we are going to keep plenty in stock!!

Believe it or not, there are some important factors that must be adhered to in order to provide you with the best overall experience. Audio Elite applies these factors to each and every project. By utilizing time tested, "Hand Selected" components, coupled with proper scaling and proper tuning, and not to be over-looked.......our years of experience.......assures us a guaranteed result, along with very satisfied customers.Home Theaters and/or Home Electronics have become the new age plumbing, and are often considered one of the most used "Interfaces" within the home. There is no way around it.....this is a "Digital Era!" Audio Elite has the know how to ensure that your home is clearly up to the task, let it be now and/or in the future.

Please click the link below view "The PSX-2 / Product Spotlight"

Please contact Audio Elite today......and see what we can do for you!
Phone: 603.432.9867
Email: Email us now

Be sure to check back for additional future "Video Spotlights" from Audio Elite!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free HDTV's - Furniture Store

Furniture stores in the HDTV business???

As a believer in the fact that "Nothing is Free, it's interesting to see that the furniture industry is promoting furniture sales based around HDTV's. Commercials abound, Jordan's Furniture with tie in to Pauls TV, Bernie & Phyl's with tie ins to Best Buy, Bob's Discount Furniture, the furniture market is just HDTV saturated. Adding to the craze is Sears, Walmart, Costco, Etc.....

While it is true that the prices of Plasma, LCD, DLP, LED, and HDTV's in general have come substantially down over the years, they still are a fair investment. Many purchase TV's, on average around every 7-10 years, based on their needs and wants. With technology and form factors changing more frequently and Flat Panels becoming more mainstream, that rate is now more frequent. None-the-less, once a new HDTV has been purchase most don't want to have to re-buy one in the near future.....right?

I wish to stress my concern as a professional, buy with caution, and ask yourself is this an HDTV that I will be able to watch, and enjoy....without compromise, and does it offer the latest technologies. As a most notable with the technology side of the RESOLUTION of these HDTV's.

We all have heard of Bluray, and the quality of picture it offers, at a resolution of 1080p, this is basically the new standard for any HDTV generally in the 37" and up range. Resolutions of 720p & 1080i are fine for HDTV's in the 32" and below range. With that being said, ask yourself this one question if you purchase one of these larger format HDTV's........will I kick myself in the butt down the road for buying a HDTV, that can't playback/reproduce the latest offerings? Quite frankly, these older technology sets (720p/1080i) are being promoted in these deals, and/or being used to switch and bait the consumer. Now don't get me wrong there is a place for HDTV's that may not be the latest and greatest, such as maybe secondary bedrooms, playrooms, etc....

Also as a believer in subject matter experts, I would hope that, for your Home Electronics needs and purchases, that you would utilize such experts, such as Audio Elite. There truly is much more considerations when purchasing any HDTV...far beyond what is offered at face value...Not all HDTV's are created equal!

Let Audio Elite be you Home Electronics Professional and Home Technology Partner.

So you have an HDTV, Need it Mounted, Installed, Hooked Up, Set Up, and/or wish to compliment it with a Surround Sound System. We are hear to help.

Visit Audio Elite here on the Web:, or simply give us a call at 603.432.9867, and/or Email us!